Katt's Blog

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Weekend part 2

Well, it is now Tuesday and the weekend is officially over because I am sitting at work once again. The weekend went as well as it could. We never made the gingerbread house :( It was so busy that we didn't get to half of everything we wanted to do, but that is okay. Sunday night at David's aunt's went very well. Good food and of course I got to meet more people. However, I think the dessert did me in because Sunday night I did not get any sleep due to my damn stomach. We had a gift exchange with David's friends and I got a handheld Suduko electronic game which was pretty darn sweet. After that we went to Denny's and I ate still more crap but it was good (except the chocolate milkshake sucked). Monday we were at David's and I got to meet more people and eat a lot of good food. When everyone left around 8 or so David and I opened our presents to each other and my family. CSI season 6, Ice age dvd's, a bath and body bath robe, some clinique, and earrings from my sister:) David loved the neon seahawks sign that he's known about for 2 months which I was happy with and for the first time ever I received diamonds. Let alone me not owning any jewlery, I received diamond earrings which immediately I started crying over even before I opened the box. I wasn't expecting anything like that and I was so happy I didn't know what to do with myself. I also received some pretty cool quality earrings from him which of course I had to try them all on right away. (I need the practice because I suck at taking them out!) So I must say this weekend was a success. No crazy drama to report besides me missing my family and wishing they were there...and the incredible presents!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas weekend part 1

Hello, again and welcome to pre Christmas weekend. I am sitting at work right now ready for the day and I couldn't be more excited. I am supposed to get off early today, so we'll see if that happens. Then I will be driving to Puyallup and spending the weekend with David's family and friends. I received the gifts in the mail my parents sent me last night so I am relieved that they finally made it here. David's house looks great and I know it's going to be a fun weekend. The plan is as follows:

pre Dec. 24: make gingerbread house, wrap presents which he will probably want to do by himself;), buy food for Christmas day, clean the place up, put up lights outside which I believe he is doing today.....and i'm sure a million other things

Dec. 24: Spend the afternoon at David's aunt's place and right after that come back to his place and meet with friends for a gift exchange and then probably go to Denny's or something...

Dec. 25: Christmas day at David's! I HAVE THE DAY OFF FROM WORK!

...part 2 will follow on Tuesday morning with a review of the weekend events:)

Friday, December 15, 2006

Luckiest girl

Well, today I'm feeling very lucky. I'm sitting at work right now and guess what...I'm the only one here today!!..My boss's power went out so he's staying home and my big boss is leaving for California today at 10am. I wish Shellie was here to keep me company, but she had already taken today off since it was her birthday yesterday. So needless to say I can't stop smiling. My power didn't go out last night. Besides a little flicker here and there everything was fine, which was really nice since I couldn't make it to David's last night. Damn flooded freeways ;) So, I am very excited to get over there tonight! And last but definitely not least, David is amazing...I am the luckiest girl in the world!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Long day.......

So I'm sitting here at work right now and it's only 1:44pm. I get off work at 4pm and all I can think about is everything I have to do after work. I put some samples away today and that took about 30 minutes. I walked to the freezer farm across the way (across the way equals about 100 feet) to put some boxes away (it was beautiful outside). So pretty much nothing has happened today and time is practically standing still. I purposely don't do stuff today so I will have something to do tomorrow, which is not like me at all. I like getting things done right away...not saying I don't procrastinate here and there, but at work I like to get things done. I'm going to go get the gift exchange present today after work and wrap that sucker and I also need some Christmas cards. I have a package to pick up down at my apartment complex office...that's for Shellie's (my co-worker) birthday on Thursday. Then I will make the drive to Puyallup. Lately driving there hasn't been so bad, but coming back in the morning has been tough. I've stayed awake during the drive and when I get home I usually sleep for another hour because I am so tired. However, waking up from that hour nap just sucks and I am so tired I have to force myself into the shower and out the door in 10 minutes. I can't wait to start taking the train! It will still be early but I won't have to drive for an hour and I can just nap until we get to Seattle! Well, I'm really just writing this blog to kill some time, however, I've only killed 10 minutes..............

thoughts throughout the day......

-why can't specimen processing put in the data BEFORE I get the worksheets so then I can finish putting in the data and send it off instead of having to send it back to them and then having them send it back to me and then sending it off!!...they've been slacking on that lately...

-i like post its

-i seem to prefer to add and subtract on a post it note instead of using a calculator when i'm looking at my bank account or some other document with numbers..keeps my mind busy...sort of...

-there is this zip up hoodie that i think is really nice at american eagle but i'm trying to get away from that store and become an adult....http://www.ae.com/web/browse/product.jsp?rcid=womens&scid=cat90048&navroot=womens&productId=1455_7597

-if shellie wasn't playing music right now it would be so quiet in here you would here a pin drop..i don't have any speakers....thank God for Shellie!

-i want to be in Puyallup with my baby :(

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

been a while...

Well it's been a while, but I thought I'd write a quick something on this thing. My Thanksgiving went really well. Spent a lot of time with the family and saw a few people which was enough for me. I was getting anxious to get back to Seattle (aka missing David a ton). It was great to see the family and I hope to see them again soon....soon=next year...and hopefully with David:). Now that I'm back in Seattle things have gone back to normal. David has been working on the game room a ton and it looks great! That will be really nice when/if the pool table ever gets here so people can come over! I'm excited for Christmas which I really have never said before in my life. Well, I may have said it but I haven't meant it like I do now. Christmas has been fine in the past. It's just my parents and I and my sister which is great and I love spending time with them of course. We all go to church and have dinner (ham and potato salad and potica) :)...then come home and open presents and in the morning open the present from Santa. It's a grand old time and it was nice to have a break from school and not do anything. This year is going to be very different. This is the first time I've met a boyfriend's family over Christmas...it's been years since I've had a boyfriend during the Christmas season and I haven't had to buy a male a gift for a while...well i've got his gift but it's a shame he already knows what it is :(...oh well..I think he likes it. I have no idea what I will receive. He got me some really nice sweaters this weekend as part of the gift which I was/am excited about. In conclusion, it should be a really fun holiday season!