I found it!
Well, it's been a while hasn't it. Not much new going on in my life that I think people would care about.........not saying you will care about this but since I am sitting here waiting for a bag to freeze....which takes an hour.....I thought I would write about my latest accomplishment. So, I have been riding the train/bus into work everyday for a good month now and I am loving it. It takes an hour and half to get into Seattle, but I get to sleep on the train and my body is getting used to getting up at 5:30am for my job which starts at 8. However, the train station can be confusing and you can easily get turned around down there if you don't know where you're going. You think that following the crowd would lead you in the right direction....but that is not always the case. So, I get off the train in the morning and head for the 70 bus stop. I didn't know any streets or where anything was down there a month ago. I think there is a bus for every number from 1-600. So, I studied the 70 bus route map for an hour the day before trying to figure out where it was. The first morning, I walked around for a half an hour trying to look cool and know what I was doing, but I was actually scared and lost. I was all over Jackson street and almost down to 1st ave and then back up Washington and cutting across on that 2nd ave extension until I came across the stop at Prefontaine...which is not a good place to be for a young white female since that is where a lot of homeless people sleep...so I found out. The next day I found out a shorter way to get to Prefontaine, but I kept noticing people were on the bus before me so there must be a stop before this one! So, to make a long story short...this already long enough story shorter, today I found that first stop and wouldn't you know it, it's like 100 feet from the train station. So, instead of walking a few blocks....now it's right there.....................it only took me a month!
I'm glad you got the whole bus thing figured out! Don't feel bad! I went through something similar. I used to walk blocks and blocks away into a scary part of Belltown to get to my bus. Then a month or so later, I realized there was a bus stop like up the block. Doh! =o)
Kat, at 5:35 PM
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