On my mind
This week hasn't been the best week of my life, but it hasn't been the worst. One thing that has been on my mind recently is how much I miss my friends and family back home. I have friends here, but they are David's friends and everyone is so much older than me. I haven't really met anyone my age and work doesn't help that situation. Shellie is my only friend that I have made on my own, but she is 40 and has 4 kids and lives on Bainbridge....we are going to the Rascal Flatts concert on March 4th though which I am excited about! She is awesome though and we pretty much talk about everything. Things with David are going great and it's so nice to have someone to come home to and someone who cares about you when you're so far away from everyone else that cares about you. I've been talking with my parents and sister a lot more lately which has been great, but what's sad is I can't help but shed a tear when I get off the phone with them. Same goes with my girlfriends back home. I miss them so much and they have really been true friends. I hope I get to see them soon, but for now I have to settle with just memories.......and the occasional phone call and internet chat:)
Heya Katt...
I sent ya an evite. Check it out (& come!!).
Jen, at 9:57 PM
That's so hard to have your friends so far away! It's like losing your support system. Some of my closest friends have moved far away in like the last few years. It's so hard...but it does get better. Hopefully things get better for you soon! =o)
Kat, at 1:36 PM
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